Here's how my summer flew by:
1. Spent lots of time getting darling daughter ready to go to college. She finally decided on University of Wisconsin - River Falls. She's majoring in Elementary Education with a focus on Early Childhood Education. She likes the itty bitty ones. It totally blew me away how much it cost just to get her ready to live in a dorm room.
2. Son Matt spent a couple days in the hospital with food poisoning. Stay away from the jalapenos.
3. We lost our beloved black lab, Sam, to (we believe) stomach cancer. He passed peacefully at the vet's after a couple of weeks of suffering. We were sorry to see him go. He was only seven years old.
4. Someone dropped off a cat in our yard. She was pregnant and had kittens in an old silo on our property. She brought them to us (three) and we spent several weeks looking for homes for them. They are finally off with new owners, including "Mama".
5. We got a beagle puppy named Tucker who is a ball of fire and energy. He has a great personality but he's going through the "terrible twos". LOL

7. Two weeks after Leslie went off to school, Darling Son moved back in. So much for empty nest. LOL
8. Darling Husband's painting business picked up again, but after the rough winter we had last year, he was hesitant to quit his job at the yacht company. So he spent the summer working two jobs while teaching son Matt the ropes of running the business. We are waiting to see how this winter goes. It would be wonderful if the two of them could make the business take off permanently.
9. Working at the quilt shop, teaching classes and quilting at home have kept me busy when I'm not taking care of the house, dog, etc.
10. Harvested the garden and canned veggies, salsa, pickles, etc.
11. Helped organize and set up my town's first ever quilt show. We had a great turn out. Over 200 entries!!!
12. Went on a quilting retreat that totally rocked. I put the final borders on my Women's Voices quilt and I can't wait to get it quilted and on my bed. This is it, but it's huge so couldn't get the whole thing in the picture.

I'm sure that's not all, but it makes my head spin just thinking about it.
Hope everyone had a great summer. I think I did but I can't remember.
piecin' love,
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