Monday, March 10, 2008

Just a Quick Check-in...

I've been sick for three weeks now with severe bronchitis and sinus infection. Twice (so far) to the doctor, one scary trip to the ER, three rounds of antibiotics, two rounds of prednisone.....I think I'm finally getting better. I lost my voice but the coughing is almost done, the breathing is no longer labored, and I'm finally up to a venture into the quiting studio. Just thought I'd check in and let you know I'm still here. I've got lots of catching up to do, but I'll be back!

Spring can come any time now.
piecin' love,


Jo Raines said...

Hi, there! I rarely make it back your way on the list (we have so many members) when I'm 'visiting' but am trying to 'meet' everyone. So sorry your dear FIL passed away--he looks like a sweetie. My mother died over three years ago of cancer so I can relate to what you've been through. Hope you are better. This has been a rough winter. My MIL has her annual bout of pneumonia and my eight year old just had her second round of flu after having had flu and strep throat six weeks ago. Best wishes for better days ahead and I'll be back your way as soon as I can.

Lisa said...

Hey Teri, hope you are feeling better soon!!!

Suzanne Earley said...

hey teri -- i'm making my way around the blog ring -- i hope you are feeling better!

take care -