So many ideas, so little time.
I feel like the proverbial chicken with its head cut off....I have all these ideas and plans but I don't know which one to tackle first. How do you prioritize multiple tasks that all hold the same importance and value? I'm losing sleep at night because the hamster in my brain won't jump off the wheel!
I continue to teach quilting at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, which is probably the most rewarding thing I've done since launching my quilting career in 2004. I have no words to explain the joy I feel when a brand new quilter tells me they are addicted. They are so excited to share the projects they want to do next or the fabric they just bought at their new favorite quilt shop. They come in to class and show off what they did at home since last week with a huge grin on their face. The experienced quilters warm my heart when they say they want to sign up for a class and "I hope you're teaching it!". I look forward to teaching like an adrenalin junkie looks forward to their next bungee jump. LOL!
Pattern designing has also lit a flame in my heart. Some of my patterns evolve from class requests. Some are inspired by blocks found when playing in my EQ (Electric Quilt) Software. Some evolve from old favorites into new variations and new favorites. The pattern designing process is not a quick one and I get impatient when I don't have time for taking the pictures and writing out the instructions or sewing the cover sample and testing the pattern. My patterns are here:
I'm also selling some of my quilts on Etsy but that's going slow. I need to get some new listings up and breathe new life into my Etsy store. It's not like I don't have stacks of quilt tops to finish and sell. ;)
My Etsy shop is here:
And there's this blog I want to grow. I've updated it a little bit but sitting in front of the computer also takes time. I want to add a tab for free patterns and tutorials. I want to add a photo gallery or something like that. I want to develop a block of the month and post it here. I want, I want, I want to.....
Side note: I have a few client quilts on my longarm schedule to finish but after that, I have decided to take a break from longarm quilting for others. It will allow me more time to do all of the above things and will allow me to have better control of my work schedule. Better control of my work schedule will provide relief from a repetitive motion issue in my neck. I love my longarm clients and will miss them but I won't miss deadline stress. :)
I know that I'll get my business to where I want it to be. I just need more hours in the day....or a housekeeper and a cook. Unfortunately, my hubby isn't going for the hired help. Sigh.
Piecin' Love,